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ABC News, GodMen Wants Stronger Christian Men
Nighline Online, The GodMen
FoxNews Video (Download-only) NMCNG Interview
The Truth About Bullies 700 Club Interview
Interview (Audio Clip)
The, Blog, Official Contributor
Today’s Christian Woman Article
91.7 FM, The Dove, Oregon Radio Talk Show
Reluctant Entertainer
Parenting-Related Articles, Contributor
man2man express
Effect Radio
The Truth About Bullies
A Faith-Based Response to Adolescent Bullying
No More Jellyfish (Part 1)
2. I will speak the truth in love and without apology--especially to people who abuse me.
3. I will remember that the Bible encourages me more than 20 times to live with strength and courage. One person living courageously looks like a crowd.
4. I will no longer worship at the altar of other people's approval. Instead I will sacrifice, not so others will like me, but because it's good for them, and me, and brings God pleasure.
5. In order to become a redemptive force for good, I will become wise, shrewd, and cunning like a serpent, knowing that personal piety alone doesn't cut it in life. I will find strength for this new way of living from Luke 16.
6. I will underline my Bible where God and others aren't nice but good. This will give me strength, and inspiration, and help me become the right kind of dangerous.
7. I will not run from my emotions, knowing they are valuable messengers. They make me more alive and more like Jesus who was more emotional and passionate than those around him.
8. I will remember that anger often stems from fear. When angry I will ask myself: What do I fear? Is this fear real or part of a deception? Instead, I will embrace the right kind of anger that comes from seeing evil prevail. People who lack hatred for evil also lack enthusiasm for good.
9. I will remember that passivity is often the sin of omission in disguise. Though others may be fooled by this deception, God isn't, and those close to me suffer due to my lack of strength and courage.
10. Because I'm made in the image of God, I will no longer think that I'm worthless and I will take care of myself, knowing it's not a sin. God's love fuels us to commit courageous deeds