Protectors: Values-Based Public School Resources
The Courageous U Tour School-Wide Presentations to Faculty, Student Body & Parents
The best way to diminish bullying in your school is to create a “Culture of the Courageous.” This presentation will show your entire school how. Paul Coughlin, an award-winning high school soccer coach with more than 15 years of experience and School Board Member, helps all four characters in the “Theater of Bullying” to understand and change their role: Bully, Bystander, Target, and Authority. Of all the characters, bystanders have the greatest potential to make positive, life-affi rming change.
With humor, conviction and inspiration, best-selling author and speaker Paul Coughlin gives students, teachers, and parents what they need to know to combat bullying and spread compassion, justice and acceptance.
The Courageous U Tour:
Helps bystanders—the most powerful character in the theater of bullying—find the courage they need to use their voice to say “No” to bullying
Helps targets understand the real reason why they are singled out, and how to avoid being a target in the future
Helps bullies see what they are really doing, and what they need to do to change today
Helps authority understand the prevalent but dangerous myths about bullying and what they must do to make their school the best it can be.
Click to download our two-page values-based presentation flyer
Click (link coming soon) to download Letters of Recommendation
The Courageous U Tour Character Curriculum: Life’s a Movie–What’s Your Role?
Individual curriculums for grades k-5, 5-9 and 9-12, these six lesson packets help your entire school change their role in the “Theater of Bullying,” making your school safer, bolstering school spirit, character development, creativity, and paving the way toward high test scores.